David’s strategy of hiring Autumn—as a submissive—backfires when he finds himself enchanted by her sense of humor and playful attitude. Determined to prove her innocence, he enlists the help of Malcolm Legato and Agent Keith Rossetti to dig deeper. This enigmatic submissive is openly hiding things from him. Her secretive nature and the bread crumbs she drops about her past don’t add up—not even when he assigns Jesse Foraker, his SAFE Security buddy—to tail her and search her apartment. None of them are prepared for what the
FBI uncovers. Falling in love wasn’t in the plan, but David makes her believe that she isn’t doomed to live a solitary life. Plunged into a world of lies and espionage—with a serial killer after her—Autumn is forced to come to terms with her past if she is to have any hope of a future with David.
Warnings: BDSM party games, sex toys, bondage, flogging, spanking, and a trip to the beach Blitz Tour
Excerpt 1:
David regarded Autumn regretfully. “I didn’t bring ropes. Maybe next time.”
“Here.” Jordan appeared out of nowhere. He handed a coil to David. “You can use mine. Amy’s not one for public play. Yet.”
Autumn fingered the rope. The silk caressed her back. “I’m game if you are.” David didn’t respond, so she lifted her arms. “It’s okay if this is your first time. Everybody’s a virgin once.”
“It’s been a while.” David untied the knot holding the coil together. “You’re going to need to be patient.”
She encouraged with a smile. “I’ve got all evening.”
Jordan took a few steps back to give them privacy. David worked quietly and with methodical meticulousness.
Autumn mostly watched his face, but her gaze was repeatedly drawn to the way his shoulders and arms moved. Muscles bunched and elongated, and the deeper he concentrated, the more he sucked the corner of his upper lip. Autumn was tempted to offer to suck it for him. Instead she chose to say something innocuous. “You’re cute when you’re concentrating.”
He glanced up, surprised, and his knot-weaving fingers stuttered.
She raised her eyebrows. “Let me guess—nobody’s ever told you that you were cute before?”
“You’re not at all what I expected.”
“You wanted a leggy blonde with huge fake boobs?”
He exhaled a laugh. “No.”
“Botox lips and cherry red lipstick?”
“Hell, no. I just didn’t think you’d be so forward.”
“Ahh.” She sighed knowingly. “I’m not demure, and that’s a turn off.”
“Not at all. It’s refreshing. I like that you’re lighthearted and that you feel free to tease and flirt. I’m having fun, and I didn’t think I would.” He went back to looping rope.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1P1Lcs4
Midwestern Book Lovers Unite: https://dominantpersuasions.com/
Doms of the FBI page: http://www.michelezurloauthor.com/doms-of-the-fbi.html
Twitter: @MZurloAuthor
Thanks for hosting today! Love, Michele Zurlo