New Release
A Different Love by A.L. Simpson
Senior Detective Atoni Kinimaka and Senior Constable Lono Kapule are police officers called in to solve murder cases on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.
Kinimaka is the lead detective of Task Force, Akamai. Lono is the senior Police Constable.
By day they solve crime, by night they pleasure each other. Theirs is a special love but will their careers be placed in jeopardy when their secret is exposed.
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Atoni switched off the engine and climbed from his car. He’d swung past the late night florist and picked up a huge bunch of yellow hibiscus flowers – Lono’s favorites. Turning the key in the lock, he pushed the door open and stepped into the foyer of their apartment.
Lono greeted him and Atoni pulled him into his arms. Lowering his head, he captured his lips in a deep, sensuous kiss.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” Lono said breathlessly when they drew apart.
Atoni handed his lover the bouquet as he ran his fingers through Lono’s hair. “I came home as soon as I could. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.”
“Oooh, my favorite. They’re gorgeous, darling. Thank you and, Happy Anniversary to you too. I can’t believe it’s been three years.” Lono stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss on Atoni’s cheek. “I have dinner ready.”
With Atoni’s arm around Lono’s waist, they moved into the living area. Soft light flickered from dozens of candles. Lono is such a romantic, he thought.
“I’ll put these in water while you freshen up. Don’t be long, I’ll miss you.”
“Are you giving me orders?” A wicked glint lit up Atoni’s eyes.
“Of course not, darling. I know I would pay for doing that. I’m only suggesting.”
“It didn’t sound that way to me. Maybe I’ll have to punish you later. Maybe, since it’s our anniversary, I’ll forgive you.”

About the Author

I have always loved to write and have a vivid and overactive imagination. In my spare time, when I’m not writing, I love to walk, read and shop. I believe no mountain is too hard to climb, no river is too wide to span and no journey is too difficult to complete. I follow my dreams and I urge and encourage others to do the same. With a positive attitude, the impossible can become possible.
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