Friday, April 29, 2016

COVER REVEAL ~ Scorch by KT Fisher

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Book: Scorch 
Series: Black Inferno #4
Author: KT Fisher
Genre: Romantic Suspense 
Release Date: 15th May 2016


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When your ex is an abusive man, and nobody knows he even exists, what do you do when he starts to threaten your life? That’s the situation Crystal found herself in. She kept Troy a secret when she ran to her brother, but now he’s found where she is and isn’t prepared to let her go. He believes she belongs to him but he doesn’t know the history Crystal shares with Booker, the drummer for Black Inferno and what he will do to protect her. Booker cares for Crystal and wants to finally come clear about their relationship, but can Crystal face the hard truths and be able to finally get rid of her troublesome ex, or will he finally catch her and destroy her future for good?
Either way, she has to come clean about her harsh past to be able to save herself from Troy.

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The other books in the series have also had a complete makeover take a look here:

HEAT – Black Inferno #1

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Ignite– Black Inferno #2

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Ember– Black Inferno #3

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About The Author

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K.T Fisher is a British romance author. She was born and raised in Nottingham, surrounded by her family. Now, she has two daughters of her own and decided that she needed to live her dream to inspire her children. 

K.T Fisher mostly writes about hot, delicious men. Her books are packed with hot suspense and thrilling dangers, add her signature erotic scenes and you have a steaming romance that you have to read.

Ever since K.T Fisher released her first book, Rockstar Daddy she hasn't been able to stop and has since released many books that are loved by many.

You Can Stalk KT Fisher here:

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ & GIVEAWAY ~ Predator by Michelle Horst

Title: Predator
Author: Michelle Horst
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: April 29, 2016


All my life I’ve been hiding, until there is no corner on this god-forsaken earth left for me to hide. I have to pay for the sins of my father. No one with Ellison blood in their veins is allowed to live, and I am the last of my bloodline.

I am kept in a container waiting for my death sentence to be carried out, when he comes. He is only known as ‘Predator’. No one knows who he works for, only that he leaves no one alive.

His every breath is filled with the last gasp of his dying prey.

But for some reason he doesn’t kill me.

I don’t know which is worse, the death sentence hanging over my head, or being at his mercy.

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“Look at me, Cara,” and he waits until I do, “love is such a flawed thing. You can love someone but still leave them. What I feel for you goes way beyond that one word. I’m addicted to you. I feel protective of you. I breathe for you.” His eyes caress my face and follow the tears into my hair. “Love is really such a flawed word for what I feel. I live for you.”

Author Bio

Michelle Horst is from a small town in South Africa.

She's been in love with reading from an early age. She has a passion for books, quotes and animals.

She first tried her hand at writing in early 2009 and as the first words started to form into a book, she knew she was hooked. 

Dreams spilled onto pages, and that was the beginning of a wonderful journey. A journey filled with joy, passion and heart stopping moments. Most of all, it's filled with such pride and peace as a story comes to life, and characters fill your life, living in the very walls of your mind, living in the minds of your readers.

Thank you to each and every reader and for choosing to escape in one of my books.

Michelle ;) 

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ & GIVEAWAY ~ So Into You by Maggie Kaye

Title: So Into You: Leighton's Story
Series: The Girlfriend Series #2 (Standalone)
Author: Maggie Kaye
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 29, 2016


Leighton McCall has a great job as a corporate lawyer, a terrific apartment, the perfect parents, and the best friends any woman could want. Up until now she has led a seemingly charmed life.

Having it all though has come at a price. Her ideal job isn't so ideal. They only like to promote men. Being Senator Andrew McCall's daughter has never been easy. She has learned to live her life under her father's shadow and in the spotlight. Not to mention, the loss of her older brother has left an irreparable rip in her family. Her perfect family is really a sham, created for her father’s political aspirations. The only thing perfect in her life are her girlfriends. But even they don't know she is keeping a secret.

She had a vacation fling with a less than perfect candidate, Owen Foster, a construction worker from "Down Under" who has left her with a slight complication. What's a girl to do when everything she worked for isn't working? And the one man who holds the key to her heart, she can never picture fitting into her world, even if he is so into her.

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 “You understand. You’re mine. Say it.”

“I’m yours.”

He moved down to a spot above the swell of her breast, nipped it and then licked it.

“More.” She rubbed herself against his thigh. His erection swelled.

“Hold still.”

She relaxed into the sheets and closed her eyes briefly, trying to obey him.

“You like that, don’t you?” He squeezed her breast as his mouth latched onto her nipple and sucked. He scraped his teeth along the tip.

“Yes. Now, shut up and do me,” she snapped back.

It’s what he liked about her. She was spunky and smart. She never would take any guff from anyone, including him.

“I told you. I’m in control.”

“Sure, Aussie. You’re in control.”

“Do you want this to end?” He clutched her ass and pressed his erection against her clit.

“Hell no.” She sounded breathy and mutinous.

“Then behave.” To change it up, he reached down to see how wet she was and took her other nipple into his mouth. He used his other hand to apply pressure, as he sucked on her breast. Releasing it, he continued his downward movement, licking into her belly button before descending to her center. He took a moment to admire her sweetness. “Have you ever been kissed here?”

“Ah. No.”

“Good. I promise you, you’re going to like it.”

He licked through her lips and then sucked her clit. She moaned and moved her hips up to press closer to his mouth. She reached down and held his head tight between her legs. “You’re right. I like it.”

He increased the tempo and added his fingers to increase her pleasure, first one then another.

She was moaning and writhing in the sheets. “I’m going to come.”

“Then come.”

He watched as she let herself go. She was so gorgeous. He rose up to lie next to her, kissing her so she could taste herself, as he had. “Now sleep, Tex.”

“Aren’t we going to?” She yawned sleepily.

“No, Legs. This was just for you.”

Also Available

In the work place, we all know there are boundaries. One of those boundaries is Never Date Your Boss, especially if he is a playboy and you just had your heart broken. When Chloe Lambert finds herself down on her luck, none other than her hunky CEO boss, Garrett Nolan, steps in to rescue her, offering her temporary shelter at his ranch. Now, her boss is looking more appealing, and her friends can’t agree on whether she should sleep with him or not. Don’t even mention the fact she just learned he has a soft spot for kids and is using the ranch to help sick kids. What is a girl to do when it feels so right?

99c Sale



Author Bio

When Maggie Kaye was in college, she and a friend attempted to write their first romance book. They actually never reached the writing part. Mostly, they lay in the sun, brainstormed, laughed, and snacked, typical behavior for young college students with short attention spans.

Maggie went on to earn a teaching credential in special education and a career in teaching. Although they never completed that first book, the desire to tell stories remained with her. Eventually, she took out a writing pen or in her case a notebook computer her hero (husband) bought her to pursue her dreams and wrote the end.

Today, Maggie lives in the Southern California with her husband, two children, and three cats that sometimes share the keyboard with her. She enjoys writing stories with plenty of heart, humor and a bit of steaminess.

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COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY ~ Hit the Spot by J. Daniels

Title: Hit the Spot
Series: Dirty Deeds #2
Author: J. Daniels
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing/Forever Romance
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: December 6, 2016

Hit the Spot

"Love! That's the four letter word to describe how I felt about this unique, sexy story. J. Daniels' hottest book to date."---Penelope Ward, New York Times bestselling author on Four Letter Word

New York Times bestselling author J. Daniels brings us the second book in her Dirty Deeds series. Hit the Spot features Jamie and Tori's story.

This book can be read as a stand-alone.

Pre-order Links


Also Available

Pre-order for October 4, 2016


Author Bio

J. Daniels is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Sweet Addiction series, the Alabama Summer series, and the upcoming Dirty Deeds series.

She would rather bake than cook, she listens to music entirely too loud, and loves writing stories her children will never read. Her husband and children are her greatest loves, with cupcakes coming in at a close second.

J grew up in Baltimore and resides in Maryland with her family.

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RELEASE BOOST & GIVEAWAY ~ Shameless by Lex Martin

Title: Shameless
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: April 26, 2016


What the hell do I know about raising a baby? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. 

Yet here I am, the sole guardian of my niece. I’d be lost if it weren’t for Katherine, the beautiful girl who seems to have all the answers. Katherine, who’s slowly finding her way into my cynical heart.

I keep reminding myself that I can’t fall for someone when we don’t have a future. But telling myself this lie and believing it are two different things.

When Brady shows up on a Harley, looking like an avenging angel—six feet, three inches of chiseled muscle, eyes the color of wild sage, and sun-kissed skin emblazoned with tattoos—I’m not sure if I should fall at his feet or run like hell. Because if I tell him what happened the night his family died, he might hate me. 

What I don’t count on are the nights we spend together trying to forget the heartache that brought us here. I promise him it won’t mean anything, that I won’t fall in love.

I shouldn’t make promises I can’t keep.

Shameless is an adult contemporary romance/spinoff featuring a character from The Dearest Series, but it can be read as a complete standalone.

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Last chance to get your copy for only 99c!!!


Also Available

The Dearest Series Boxed Set is FREE on KU for a limited time. Get all three Dearest Series books, including Dearest Clementine, Finding Dandelion and Kissing Madeline, as well as Dearest Series bonus scenes and the first chapter of Shameless.

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Author Bio

Lex writes adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she's lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ Recoil Trilogy Bundle by Jessa Jacobs

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Author: Jessa Jacobs
Title: Recoil Trilogy Bundle
Release Date:  April 29, 2016
Publisher: Mad for Romance Publishing
Cover Designer: MadHat Books
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Editor: Candice Royer

~ Book 1 ~

Reluctant step-siblings Julia and Colin meet for the first time at an engagement party for their parents, and dislike each other on sight despite their undeniable physical chemistry. They soon find they have a common interest, though – stopping the inappropriate and hasty marriage of her mother to his father.

When they discover that the recent death of her father might have had something to do with his father’s business, the common interest turns them into allies. But what will they do about their own sizzling chemistry?

Recoil is the first novella in a serialized trilogy.

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"We didn't get much chance to get to know each other at the engagement party," I ventured, smiling my most charming smile.
"Why should we? I don't anticipate much family togetherness," she snapped. The smile that followed was a perfect imitation of the ones catty women in my father's social circles gave each other while uttering double entendres about each other's clothing, sexual preferences, or extramarital conquests. It was so perfect I burst out laughing.
"Glad I could amuse you," she said. "Care to tell me what in particular was so funny?"
"Nope. But let's cut the act. We're on the same side, really. I don't like this marriage, and you don't like this marriage. My objections should be obvious, but yours are a little murkier. Why don't we lay our cards on the table, join forces, and stop it?"
This time, I allowed my figurative fangs to show. The woman was too smart to fall for any of my subterfuges, and I wanted to see how she'd handle the real me. Yeah, pun intended again.
She was studying me, and I allowed it, letting the silence stretch out. Most women would have filled it with prattle or protested my statement. She did neither. The first one of us to speak would lose some kind of contest, and I had no intention of losing.
She was saved by the server coming back to take her order. Startled, she looked at her watch and allowed another expression of annoyance to surface. "I guess my meeting is a no-go," she said to me. Then she ordered a surprisingly hearty breakfast for a woman of her svelte proportions.
After that, the contest of wills was broken anyway. I felt no sense of victory as she took up the conversation where I'd left it minutes ago.
"All right. I see no harm in telling you my objections. My father has been gone less than six months. It's inappropriate – too rushed. I don't understand why your father would be so anxious to marry that he'd defy convention in this way. And I'd like to know more about why my mother finds herself in circumstances that seem to require it if she's to maintain her way of life. So yes, I object to the marriage. But it isn't my place to stop it. You're on your own there."
I hadn't thought of it in the exact same terms, but now she'd said it in that way, I had the same questions. Dad hadn't been forthcoming about why he'd marry her instead of just keeping her as a mistress. With a new respect for the daughter, I began to agree that Audrey wasn't the type of woman to be satisfied with such an arrangement, even though the marriage was little more. At least it would be a respectable way to be kept.
At the moment, I was far more interested in Julia than I wanted to be. It was one thing to fantasize about taking her and then moving on. But her cool demeanor intrigued me. Did it conceal a fiery sexuality, or was she all business? There was nothing but my gut instinct to hint of the former. However, my gut had never been wrong. Despite her matter-of-fact speech and the conservative business suit that muted her curves, I was semi-aroused.
"You aren't the only one who's curious about that. Frankly, I asked my dad the same thing. Why the damned hurry? He blew me off." Almost before I'd ended my sentence, I regretted saying so much.
I'd said we were on the same side, but it wasn't the truth. She'd be loyal to her mother no matter how she felt about the issue. Or so I believed. Her next words were as frank as mine, surprising me. I expected her, an excellent lawyer, to hold her cards close to her chest. And a lovely chest it was. Instead, her eyes changed from her practiced neutrality to sharp interest.
"Really? You know, I know exactly why my mother's in a hurry. I hadn't thought about why your dad would go along with it." In my turn, I raised my eyebrows to encourage her to say more.
"You no doubt understand that she's marrying him for money, although she tells me she has grown to love him. Honestly, I'm puzzled about two things. One, what happened to my dad's estate. I know he'd have provided for Mother, and yet she tells me she has too little to live on. And two, why she'd choose a man more than a decade her senior. She's still a beautiful and relatively young woman. No offense against your dad, but he's not in her league in that way."
I had to choke back a guffaw. She thought looks trumped money? And here I'd thought she was smart. On the other hand, it gave me an advantage. I knew what I looked like. I had mirrors, after all, and I had the reaction of women I passed on the street and in the course of business. This seduction was going to be fun. Sorry, Dad, can't resist.

~ Book 2 ~

Julia and Colin no longer think of themselves as step-siblings. As much allies as lovers, they have more immediate issues. Like how to seek out and destroy the Russian Mafia-connected group that hounded her father to death, and what to do about the workplace harassment of Julia by a man with a secret, violent past? But the most dangerous issue of all might be what happens when Julia’s mother discovers her daughter and step-son have acted on their mutual attraction…

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~ Book 3~

In this fast-paced conclusion to the Recoil serial trilogy, past and present collide as Julia and Colin desperately work to unravel the connections between the man who attacked Julia and the group that attacked her father. Will their allies put it together before someone else gets hurt? Can their fragile relationship withstand the turmoil? Who will be the next to lose their life?

Meet Jessa Jacobs:

Like you, I’m a reader. When I read a good story with characters I can connect with, my everyday existence fades into the background as I enter a world that may contain exotic locations, adventure and excitement. And, if I can be totally honest with you, in my favorite stories I can fall in love for a while with an impossibly gorgeous guy who is the best lover imaginable.

So, maybe it won’t come as a surprise that in my books you’ll find hot alpha male book-boyfriends, sassy heroines who are much more clever and beautiful than I am, and stories I hope will make you laugh and cry while reading them, as I did while writing them. Oh, and some scenes you may want to role-play with your lover.

When I’m not writing (which is almost never) I enjoy reading, hiking in the foothills near Denver, live blues music, karaoke and now and then indulging in her karaoke habit.

If you'd like to know more about me, my books, or special offers for free reading, please check my website.

Connect with Jessa:

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