Sunday, January 31, 2016

RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ Plaything (Volume Two ) Jason Luke and Jade West

Title: Plaything (Volume Two )
Authors : Jason Luke And Jade West 
Genre: Erotica 

Part two in the Plaything series.

The clock is ticking. I'm holed up in Hell, destined for sale as a rich man's plaything. They've beaten me, they've bullied me, but they haven't broken me. Not yet. There's only one man standing between me and a life of misery. The man they've instructed to train me... to make me willing... to make me a good product... Robert.

He's trying to teach me the art of submission, and I'm trying to learn. I tell him I've got this, I can do it, I can be the woman I need to be to get through this horrible mess alive. What I haven't told him, is that it's becoming a whole lot less about the lessons, and a whole lot more about the man. But it can't be.

In a few days he'll be gone, and I'll be off to my new life. My new life without him. I just pray I'll be ready.

Jason Luke is an Australian man who lives on the far South Coast of New South Wales with his long time girlfriend. 
Author of the Amazon Erotica smash hit Interview with a Master, and its follow up In Love with a Master.

You can now find Jason Luke now on Facebook visit here

Also there is a Jason Luke Fan page on Facebook which is run by a team of dedicated fans. The page is not connected to Jason. It has currently around 10,000 likes. visit here

Jade West is a contemporary erotic author, real life submissive, and former sex chat-line operator, who is plenty used to getting people all steamed up with her dirty mouth. Her debut release, Dirty Bad Wrong, smashed into the Amazon top 100 in February 2015, followed by Dirty Bad Savage in June - an Amazon top 100 bestseller in 4 countries. Dirty Bad Strangers topped the erotica chart, reaching an impressive 13 overall in the US Kindle Store, and the latest tale of debauchery, Dirty Bad Secrets - returning to the heart of Club Explicit - releases Feb 2016.

COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY ~ Absolution by LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole

Title: Absolution
Authors: LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Ikonic Imagery
Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Model: Garrick Murdie  
 Release Date: January 11, 2016



I pray to be forgiven for my sins, but the prayers of someone like me won't dare breach the edge of heaven.

Sins. All sins are equal in the eyes of God, but I'm not God. Some sins are far more wretched than others. And those sinners should pay, Evelyn. One sinner made me his sin, and I can't let men like him live. They must face their judgement, Evelyn. I want to kill them. Every. Last. One.

Ezra James is no different, and I wanted to kill him, I needed to kill him, I'm was going to kill him...And then I found myself fascinated by him, obsessed and possessed in the most reverent of ways. I became his sinner, and he became my sin, but the wages of sin is death, so I must kill him.


The son of a whore, raised by gangsters, moulded into a key player in a corrupt world ruled by money and completely without morals.

This world can break a person. I’ve seen it time and time again. I never gave a shit, until the night I watched a man drop dead at the feet of a woman so broken she made even me feel whole. My little killer called to my depravity and everything in me demanded that I take her, possess her, own her.

Some monsters hide behind the faces of angels, where others stand in plain sight.

Damned. Broken. Irredeemable.

Through blood, absolution shall be found.

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LP Lovell

Lauren Lovell is an indie author from England. She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards.

She's a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be suffering from slight peen envy.

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Stevie J. Cole

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. She and LP plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.

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BLOG TOUR ~ Bellissimo Rilascio by Leigh Ann Lunsford

Title: Bellissimo Rilascio 
Author: Leigh Ann Lunsford 
Genre: Romance 

When life’s light got so bright Bianca was blinded, she had to seep into the darkness in order to fight her way back. Surrounded by love so beautiful it was suffocating, she did the only thing she could to release the pain. One night changed the course of her life.

Shrouded in obscurity and difficult decisions she chooses the only person that ever mattered. Desperate to prove herself worthy to those around her she embarks on the path least expected launching into a journey she never anticipated.

With relationships hanging in the balance and uncertainty waiting with baited breath, Bianca plummets to the depths of despair in hopes of soaring with eagles.

Leigh Ann Lunsford is stay at home mom turned author. She writes Romance/New Adult and loves her happily ever after in all books and movies. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs in Fleming Island, Florida. When she isn’t writing or reading you can find her stuck in front of really bad reality shows or watching Sons of Anarchy. Leigh Ann has a filthy mouth and a huge amount of sarcasm that knows no end. She hopes to give the voices in her head an outlet with many more novels to come. 

Twitter: @AuthorLeigh 


Title: River James
Series: Rockers of Steel #3
Author: MJ Fields 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 31, 2016


When he fell in love, he fell hard. When he lost her, he lost his will.

Drugs, sex, and rock and roll—in that order—became his life.

River James, the drummer for Steel Total Destruction, loved the brotherhood he formed with his unlikely best friend and his band mates, and the family he found in his label until one tragic accident takes it all away in the blink of an eye. Twisted metal, shattered bones, crushed dreams, and torn wreckage causes deep, dark secrets to be revealed and he quickly turns to the sure things in life: drugs and women. Will he find himself in the wreckage or will he lose his way in the smoke and debris?

The first person in her family to graduate from high school and college, Keanna Sutton is flying high on her accomplishments. She has the career and man of her dreams…or so she thought. While recovering from a break-up she has a chance run-in with a tall, handsome, silver-tongued drummer who tests her strength and ability to hold her own tongue. She desperately tries to ignore the implausible attraction to River - a man she knows will be no good for her. When she finally throws caution to the wind, she finds herself getting rocked the only way a badass like River can: hard and nasty. Will the hottest night of her life end there? Or will she lose herself in a man whose only promise is that a lady always comes first?

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Also Available



Author Bio

USA Today bestselling author M.J. Field's love of writing was in full swing by age eight. Together with her cousins, she wrote a newsletter and sold it for ten cents to family members.

She self-published her first New Adult romance in January 2013. Today she has completed six self-published series, The Love Series, The Wrapped Series, The Burning Souls Series, The Men of Steel Series, Ties of Steel Series, and The Norfolk series.

MJ is a hybrid author who publishes an Indie book almost every month, and is signed with a traditional publisher, Loveswept, Penguin Random House, for her co-written series The Caldwell Brothers. Hendrix is available now, Morrison was released on December 22nd, 2015.

There is always something in the works, and she has three, yes, three, new series coming out this summer, and fall.

MJ lives in central New York, surrounded by family and friends. Her house is full of pets, friends, and noise ninety percent of the time, and she would have it no other way.

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ & GIVEAWAY ~ Natexus by Victoria L James

Book: Natexus
Author: Victoria L James
Release Date: 31st January 2016
Genre: New Adult Romance

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Goodreads Book Link


Seven breaths left in her chest, yet I looked back at him. He wasn’t meant to be there on the darkest night of my life, but the mysterious Alex Law continued to make a habit of showing up when I least expected him. With one look in his eyes, everything I’d ever been before him drifted away, and everything I was about to become revolved around him.
Grief threatened to ruin me no matter how hard I fought, and Alex had demons of his own to deal with, yet we found a comfort in each other’s pain. We found ourselves alone, two people becoming one. Just us. Natalie and Alex. Natexus. As long as we had each other, we thought we could make it through anything.

We didn't know there were things out there waiting to destroy us: people we couldn’t escape, fates we couldn’t outrun and regrets we couldn’t avoid. Not all love stories go the same way, and ours was about to take a turn neither one of us could have foreseen. All I could do was stand by and watch as my world fell apart for a second time.

I knew there had been life before Alex Law.

I just had to figure out if there was life after him…

That beautiful, tragic first love of mine.

~~ Natalie Vincent.

Author Bio

Victoria L James is a teenage girl stuck in a thirty-something year-olds body. Living somewhere 'oop north' in England, she has had a strong passion for words and stories going as far back as she can remember, which she credits to her grandmother and her love of reading anything that was on sale and cheap from the local market stall. Never once did she think she would release a novel, though. At best, she thought her love of language and her ability to create stories in her mind would provide her with a 'get out of jail free' card whenever she messed up and her parents were mad at her during her teenage years... and when even that didn't work out, she thought she was pretty much done for.

When an opportunity presented itself for her to take a back seat from paid working life for a few years, she knew straight away that she had to try and write about a few of these worlds she'd come up with along the way, and quieten all the voices in her head without racking up a heavy psychiatry bill for the pleasure.

Wearing her heart on her sleeve and trying to lighten her friends’ and family’s lives with naff, and more often than not, badly timed, nineties jokes, she has yet to learn the art of knowing when to shut up. Which is another reason writing became a passion of hers. With pen and paper, there are no limits.

A firm believer in never quitting, with a ridiculous obsession for all things Rocky, she hopes that one day she writes a story that will inspire at least one person out there to keep on going if they're struggling. Other than that, she's just a regular old converse wearing, corona sipping, English version of Chandler Bing, who loves and adores her family more than life itself. Oh, and she also has two cats. Every writer has to mention their cats, right?

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