Saturday, September 30, 2017

RELEASE BOOST ~ Sir: The Awakening by D.L. Hess

Title: Sir: The Awakening
Series: The Awakening Series #2
Author: D.L. Hess
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 26, 2017


“It’s becoming fast apparent that the only way I’m going to be able to stay away from a certain diner waitress is if she orders me away. . . And, even then, it’s going to be difficult to stay away.”

Hollywood heartthrob Nate Stone returns to his south Louisiana hometown to direct a movie, but once he gets there all he can think about is the pretty waitress at the local diner. Tori Wilson knows that the smoking hot actor-turned-director will stop at nothing to get her into his bed, but he can only offer her a short affair–and he’s asking for a lot more than simple sex. Tori has never wanted anyone as badly as she wants Nate, but is she willing to let him take control when she’s already been burned before? And if she submits to his commands, will he dominate her heart?

“Nate Stone leaves devastation in his wake. When he walks away from me the last time, I’ll be a different person than I was before I met him. It would be smart of me to end it here and now, but god help me, I’m in too deep already and the only way this will end is when he leaves me for good, crushed and alone. I can’t stop it and I won’t, I’ll continue to fall to my doom with only the hope that there will be something left to my heart on the other side. Even so. . . I want everything he can give me.”

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Author Bio

D.L. Hess read her first romance novel when she was ten years old. It was Judith McNaught’s Once and Always, and she spent that entire Saturday night hiding in the closet and reading until she was done . . . only to start again from the beginning. That book left an imprint, an imprint that she hopes to leave with you.

D.L. Hess grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and now goes between her hometown and Los Angeles, where she works as a screenwriter. Her partner-in-crime is a nine-pound Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix named Busby Berkeley who travels with her everywhere in a carrier that looks like a purse. D.L. Hess is an avid fan of Cajun cooking, traveling, and discovering new experiences. Her travel bucket list includes cruising all the major rivers in the world. So far, she has only hit two of them.

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RELEASE BOOST ~ Trace + Olivia Series by Micalea Smeltzer

Series: Trace + Olivia
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: September 22, 2017

Finding Olivia

How far would you go to find yourself?

That’s the question that’s been haunting Olivia Owens for years.

All Olivia has ever wanted to do is live and make mistakes, but her preacher father has made that impossible. She believes that her years at college will be her ticket into the real world and her chance to be wild and spontaneous.

But she’s never been able to do it on her own.

At the start of her sophomore year, she only has four things crossed off her Live List, but that’s all about to change thanks to a chance encounter with Trace Wentworth. She’s about to learn that there’s more to this reformed bad boy than just his looks and panty dropping smile.

Trace can’t explain what it is that draws him to Olivia.

All he knows is that he wants to get to know the girl with the sad smile but sparkle in her eyes.

When she tells him about her list, he knows that this is his chance to get to know Olivia Owens. Trace is determined to show Olivia that she can do all the things she’s ever wanted to do. So, he begins to help her cross things off her list, even the more outlandish requests.

What happens along the way is more than what Olivia or Trace ever expected.

Love, laughs, and a list.

That’s the name of the game when you’re Finding Olivia.

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Chasing Olivia

How far would you go to reignite the spark you once had?

Two years later, Trace and Olivia are as much in love as they’ve always been. But the spark they once had for life is waning and Trace is determined that they find it again. His solution? A road trip. But he doesn’t tell Olivia the real reason they’re heading north.

Olivia is happy to go on a road trip and have more adventures with Trace. Besides, she needs a distraction from the soap opera her life has become. With college over, this is the perfect opportunity to chase down the carefree girl she once was.

But life isn’t a fairytale and you can only escape reality for so long.

Love, laughs, and a hidden agenda.

That’s the name of the game when you’re Chasing Olivia.

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Tempting Rowan

I’m drowning in the numbness. It’s pulling me under and I can’t see the surface. It’s easier to pretend I can’t feel. And the longer you pretend, the easier it is to believe. But he wants to save me. Only he can’t. I have to save myself…and I don’t know if I want to. 

Rowan Sinclair’s life has been anything but easy. With an alcoholic mother and a sleazy stepfather, it’s been her responsibility to raise her younger siblings. At twenty-one she’s chained to a life she doesn’t want, but sees no other alternative. After all, what would happen to her brother and sister if she were to leave?

Trenton Wentworth sees the pain behind Rowan’s eyes. He wants nothing more than to make it disappear. To hold her. To love her. Except Rowan keeps everyone at a safe distance. But if there’s anyone that can break down the walls she’s built around herself, it’s Trent. So she avoids him at all costs. But Trent isn’t one to be easily evaded. He’s stubborn and determined. He’ll save this girl even if it costs him everything.

Love, lies, and deception.

That’s the name of the game when you’re Tempting Rowan.

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Saving Tatum

Even tough girls need saving.

Jude Brooks is bad news. He’s the kind of guy that leaves behind a string of broken hearts and Tatum O’ Connor is not about to be one of those girls, despite all of Jude’s advances. They have a past, and Tatum’s determined to make sure they don’t have a future.

Unfortunately for her, “no” isn’t a word in Jude’s vocabulary.

The more she backs away, the more he pushes.

But what if he pushes too far?

Tatum’s hiding a pain that no one sees and holding on to a hurt that may never heal. Letting Jude into her heart could shatter her completely—and what if she opens up to Jude and he can’t handle her baggage?

Love is never easy—especially when the person you’re falling for is the person you blame for the worst event in your life.

Love, heartache, and despair.

That’s the name of the game when you’re Saving Tatum. 

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Author Bio

Hi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point. I have an unhealthy addiction to Diet Coke but I can’t seem to break the habit. I listen to way too much music and hedgehogs have taken over my life. Crazy is the word that best sums up my life, but it’s the good kind of crazy and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ Selfless by Shantel Tessier

Title: Selfless
Series: Selfish #3
Author: Shantel Tessier
Genre: Romance
Release Date: September 30, 2017


I went against all I believed in and fell in love with what should have been a one-night stand! I fought it, tried to make up rules to prevent the inevitable, but somehow, he knew all along. He understood what I wanted and was willing to comply. I was the one who took him for granted. I was the one who made him walk away. And now, he’s gone and I’m left with nothing but my thoughts and regrets. He was never supposed to be my happily ever after. But my favorite love story ends in tragedy, so why wouldn’t mine?

I played the white knight, doing what every woman dreams of to win her over, yet it still got me nowhere! But what did I expect? I wasn’t the man she wanted! Nothing I could have done would have landed me the girl. I guess love is funny that way. One minute, you think you have the girl, and the next, you realize you were blinded. Walking away was hard, but watching her with another man was harder. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, and I know when I’ve lost. Love shouldn’t be a game, but I learned someone always loses. For once, I wasn’t the one being selfish, but I was the one who paid the price.

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Author Bio

Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their seven year old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book.

She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee, but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly.

Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their cat and dog.

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Friday, September 29, 2017

RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ CowSex by Lesley Jones

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Title: CowSex

Author: Lesley Jones

Release Date: September 29, 2017

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Standalone


When you add two strangers to a cabin, in the middle of a snow storm, the obvious happens...
When Essex lifestyle blogger and fashionista, Gracie Elliott crash lands into the life of Colorado mountain man Koa Carmichael, fists, chemistry and sexual banter ensue.  After sharing some sweet, emotional as well as laugh-out-loud moments, they find it impossible to deny that they might have just discovered what neither of them knew they were looking for.
CowSex, sometimes all you need is a little bit.

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I was blown away with the beauty of this.  So funny and so real.  I love a page turner but more than anything I love feeling all churned up and not knowing what's round the corner.
I will go on record and say this is my No.1 book of the year!  So funny I got a head, cheek and belly ache from laughing/smiling so hard...
When you wake up smiling then start laughing out loud just thinking about the scenes and the lines.  Yes this book does that.  One of funniest Books I've read this year!


“He scoops ice out of a drawer in the freezer and wraps the tea towel around it before heading back towards me and placing his makeshift ice pack gently on the back of my wrist.
“Hold this in place,” he orders. I do as I’m told—with a lot of concentration, this is something I am occasionally able to do.
I continue to watch him as he repeats his movements from earlier, only this time he slides the ice pack under my wrist.
He then proceeds to retrieve what I assume are a couple of painkillers from a pack he takes from the pantry. He hands them to me, and I put them in my mouth before accepting a bottle of water he pulled from the fridge.
“You drugging me?” I question.
“Yep. They’re magic pills that stop you from talking, but they only work on beautiful girls. Not sure if you qualify.”
“Oh, and he’s a fucking comedian as well as a first-aider. What other skills can you impress me with, Cowboy?”
He scratches at his beard and gives his head a slight shake. “You have a smart mouth for a little-bit, anyone ever tell you that?”
All the time.
“And you should quit with the cussing. It doesn’t become you.”
“Fuck you.”
We stare at each other in silence for a few seconds, and I feel a bit mean for being rude. He didn’t have to help me out with my arm, but he did, and he did it with a gentleness that surprised me.
“So, where’d you learn the first-aid skills?”
“Played a lot of football, got a lot of injuries, learned how to fix myself up.”
“By football, I assume you mean that game where men wear lots of padding, run along carrying a wonky ball, knock other men out of the way until they reach a line, where they then proceed to throw down the wonky ball and score a point, or a goal, or something similar? Would that be the game you’re referring to?”
He folds his arms across his chest and leans back against the worktop opposite where he sat me.
“It would be the game that’s played something like the way you described that I’m talking about, yes.”
I nod and then shake my head. “Always puzzled me why you would call that football when so much of the game is played with the hands. The foot and the ball, rarely actually coming into contact.”
“Well, what would you call it?”
“Big men that are scared of getting hurt, so they wear lots of padding while they run, ball.”
“Now who’s being a comedian?”
“I’m female, so it’s comedienne.”
“What’s the difference?”
“We’re actually much funnier.”
That earns me a smirk, and I swing my legs while sitting on the worktop, basking in the satisfaction that I’ve almost made him smile.”
Lesley Jones (c) 2017


Lesley Jones
Lesley Jones was born and raised in Essex, England but moved to Australia in 2006 with her family.  Her first book, Saviour, was published in 2013 and she quickly gained a reputation as a writer of gritty, down to earth characters, involved in angsty and emotional plot lines.  Carnage, her third novel, has won a number of awards for ‘Best Ugly Cry’.  Her readers love the fact that she can switch her stories from hot and steamy, to snot bubble ugly crying, followed by laugh out loud moments, in the space of a few sentences.  She has declared that the very best part of her job is meeting her readers and has travelled the world a number of times over the past few years to do exactly that.  When not writing, she has admitted to being a prolific reader, getting through around four or five books a week.  She is a fan of trashy reality TV, listening to music, watching her son play football and enjoys a glass of wine… or three.


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RELEASE BOOST, GIVEAWAY ~ Noble's Song by Vicki Green

Title: Noble's Song
Author: Vicki Green
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2017


A song can tell a thousand stories
And break a million hearts

When you have next to nothing, it’s easier to be appreciative of what little you do have.

Noble Lewis grew up with meager means yet her heart couldn’t be purer. The day she lost her mama was the day she set out on her own, leaving behind the only place she’d ever known to find her place in the vast world.

Her mama always told her to follow her heart, let it guide her. Her gentle and selfless nature is the one thing that her mama gave her but is she really prepared for what lies ahead?

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“You see, Noble – I’m bad news around here. You deserve to be with someone who’s in better regard in town. Someone you can be proud to be with.”
Reaching up, I cup his handsome face. “Don’t you see you’re better than what you think you are? No one’s perfect, Merrick. Lots of people have hard lives. You’ve been nothing but kind and caring to me. And your mama? You’ve just told me you’ll do anything for her and you have.” I smile and rub my thumb across his cheek. “I am proud of you, Merrick.”
His eyes stare into mine and my breath hitches at the intensity. Slowly, he moves toward me, his hand taking my arm. “I’m gonna kiss you now if that’s okay.” I swallow hard and barely nod when his lips press against mine. I’ve never had a boy – or a man – kiss me before. It’s not like kissing Mama at all. It lingers. Makes shivers run through me. My lips tingle. It’s…. beautiful. It’s not as long as I’d like, left me wanting more, but he pulls back slightly and presses his forehead against mine.
My eyes remain closed, and I still feel those tingles on my lips. “That was the most perfect kiss,” I whisper.

Author Bio

Best selling Author of Romance and Romance Suspense, Vicki lives in Kansas with her husband and two boys as well as their 3 dogs that rule their house. She loves spending time with her family and furbabies as well as reading.

Look for more exciting romance adventures in the future.

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RELEASE BOOST, GIVEAWAY ~ Daring Wes by Jules Barnard

Title: Daring Wes
Series: Cade Brothers #2
Author: Jules Barnard
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 26, 2017


A second chance could either save him or destroy him...

I was born with a competitive streak a mile wide. Ever since I could walk, I've made it a point to never lose. And I never did, until my girlfriend left me senior year of college and my professional golf career tanked.

Over the past four years, I've fought to regain my winning edge. The last thing I need as I prepare for the pro tour is my ex-girlfriend sauntering into the golf shop on the arm of her new fiancé. Then again, this might be my opportunity to win back what I've lost.

Kaylee doesn't seem the contented fiancée she should be, or the cold-hearted girl who left me years ago--and she's hiding a secret. One I'm determined to discover. Because if there's a chance I was wrong about Kaylee and she really had loved me, maybe I can break the mental block that's left me in the rough.

But the rules of golf don't always apply to love.

*NOTE: This is not a cheating story. Each book in the Cade Brothers series is a standalone that can be read in any order.*

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Author Bio

Jules Barnard is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and romantic fantasy. Her contemporary series include the Men of Lake Tahoe and the Cade Brothers. She writes romantic fantasy under the same pen name with the Halven Rising series Library Journal calls “…an exciting new fantasy adventure.” Whether she’s writing about sexy men in Lake Tahoe or a Fae world embedded in a college campus, Jules spins addictive stories filled with heart and humor.

When Jules isn’t in her sweatpants writing and rewarding herself with chocolate, she spends her time with her husband and two children in their small hometown on the California coast. She credits herself with the ability to read while running on the treadmill or burning dinner. 

To learn more about Jules, visit her website at: 

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