Wednesday, May 31, 2017



Sex Ed, an all-new HOT and hilarious 

M/M comedy from Z.B. Heller is LIVE!!!


Sex Ed by Z.B. Heller 

Publication Date: May 31st, 2017 

Genre: Contemporary MM Romance

Jaxson Dane is harboring a secret.
Not the fact that he’s a geeky comic book lover, or that he secretly draws his own comic, Bunny Fu Ninja Warrior. It’s not even classified information that he’s out and proud!
His secret is the shame that he’s a twenty-three-year-old virgin.
Jaxson isn’t waiting for marriage or even afraid of taking that step, he just hasn’t found the one guy who will accept all of his adorkable qualities. Due to an unfortunate mishap with a self-pleasuring apparatus and his favorite appendage, Jaxson meets Tyler Mason. The emerald-green-eyed nurse is a witness to the mortifying incident, leaving Jaxon both grateful and disappointed in their one-time meeting.
And then Tyler somehow shows up at Jaxon’s family dinner.
The very dinner at which Jaxson’s hidden virginity is revealed to everyone, including the captivating nurse.
Even though he secretly found the ER situation hilarious, Tyler is also able to look past it to see Jaxson’s genuine nature and is drawn to the charming and hapless comic book artist. He’s tempted to pursue the inexperienced Jaxson, but a recent and life-altering decision puts a damper on his wants and desires. However, the more time they spent together, the more willing he is to take the risk of juggling his new commitments and winning Jaxon’s affections.
A large, insane, and meddlesome family, two prying co-workers, and a sexy nurse are all trying to give Jaxson a crash course in Sex Ed. Will he pass?


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About the Author:

As a little girl it was always a dream for Z.B. Heller to become She-Ra Princess of Power. Since this dream was unattainable, she spent what was probably way too long in college trying to “find herself”. Becoming an artist scratched the creative itch until the stories in her head were getting to be to loud for her to get anything else accomplished. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, son and Flemish Giant rabbit Chloe. In her spare time she likes to read, stalk celebrities on Twitter and create the type of art people scratch their heads about.

    ZB Logo MM

Connect with the Author:

Twitter: @ZBHeller


Title: The Baby Clause
Series: The Contract #2
Author: Melanie Moreland
Genre: Short Story Romance
Release Date: May 31, 2017


Richard VanRyan can add another line to his resume—Daddy.

How does he handle the new addition to his life?

The Baby Clause is a short continuation of Richard and Katy’s story, containing humorous glimpses into his life as a father, and how his world has changed.

A must read for all fans of The Contract!

A portion of all sales go to charity. 

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I slipped out of bed and padded across the hall, stopping in the doorway. My chest tightened at the sight before me.

Richard, tall, broad, and bare chested, cradling his daughter close, and dancing with her. She was tucked high on his chest, with his cheek resting on her head. Her tiny hand was encased inside his, and he held her protectively. No doubt his humming was soothing to her, rumbling through his chest and lulling her into peace.

Tears filled my eyes watching them. The cold-hearted man I first knew was gone and replaced by this protector who would do anything to care for his child. To care for me.

Also Available


Author Bio

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys travelling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie delights in a good romance story with some bumps along the way, but is a true believer in happily ever after. When her head isn’t buried in a book, it is bent over a keyboard, furiously typing away as her characters dictate their creative storylines to her, often with a large glass of wine keeping her company.

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ Love My Way by Kate Sterritt

Title: Love My Way
Author: Kate Sterritt
Genre: Romance/Women's Fiction
Release Date: May 31, 2017


Her name is Emerson Hart and she is the love of his life.

Unfortunately, he's not the only love of hers.

And therein lies the problem.

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Also Available

FREE for a limited time!


Author Bio

Kate Sterritt lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, three young sons and highly energetic German Shorthaired Pointer puppy.

When she’s not madly juggling the logistics of soccer trainings, play dates and volunteering at the school, she can be found at her laptop, writing the types of novels she loves to read. Her characters are inspired by her own experiences, blended with her imagination and a healthy dose of wishful thinking.

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RELEASE BOOST ~ Sexy Motherpucker by Lili Valente

Title: Sexy Motherpucker
A Bad Motherpuckers Novel
Author: Lili Valente
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy/Hockey Romance
Release Date: May 22, 2017


When the family dog trots in with my diaphragm in its mouth—in front of my date, his parents, and his adorable little girl—you would think I’d hit rock bottom.


Let’s back this up a sec…

Brendan Daniels is the sexiest man alive. The captain of the Badger’s NHL team is also clever, kind, funny, and was my good friend…until we cruised out of the friend zone one weekend with a red-hot fling. Come Monday morning, I wanted to keep riding the Big O train to happy town, but Brendan wanted someone who was “stepmom” material.

A.K.A, not me, apparently.

The problem? I’m crazy in love with him and his daughter. So when he asks me to be his pretend girlfriend for a long weekend with his former in-laws, I say yes. We’re still friends, after all, and friends don’t let friends fake it alone.


Laura Collins is the last woman I should be thinking about taking in the back seat of my car, in the woods behind my in-laws’ house, or in a hotel room where we’re sharing one very small, very squeaky bed.

I need a steady, stable influence for my daughter, not a fling with this too wild, too young, too impulsive red head. So what if she’s beautiful and intense and passionate and has the biggest heart I’ve ever known?

I don’t want to fall in love. I really don’t. The whole “pretend girlfriend” thing was supposed to solve my problems, buy me a little more time.

But when it comes to Laura?

Hell, maybe I’m just not cut out for faking it.

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Also Available


Coming Soon

Releasing July 11, 2017


Author Bio

Lili Valente has slept under the stars in Greece, eaten dinner at midnight with French men who couldn’t be trusted to keep their mouths on their food, and walked alone through Munich’s red light district after dark and lived to tell the tale. 

These days you can find her writing in a tent beside the sea, drinking coconut water and thinking delightfully dirty thoughts. 

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~ Craving Bad Anthology

Title: Craving Bad
An Anthology of Bad Boys and Wicked Girls
Series: Craving #1
Authors: Various
Publisher: Limitless Publishing, LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 23, 2017


To take the bad with the good has never been this tempting…

We all need it. We all crave it. The unexpected. The freedom of letting all your inhibitions go. It’s the thrill of being led to the edge, testing the limits, wondering if and when you’ll be pushed over. It’s the rush of the unknown. The bittersweet of tasting the forbidden when you know it’s undeniably bad for you. It consumes you, possesses you, and seduces you with its decadence, the desire for wickedly bad things.

Eleven stories of sinfully seductive bad boys and scandalously wild bad girls—all ready to ignite your deepest desires by letting you experience the daring side of romance.

A blackmailing hacker. An infamous cage fighter. The Sergeant at Arms of a criminal MC. They’re breaking bad with shameless temptation…and they are downright irresistible.

Do you want to be taken to the edge? Do you ache for the thrill of experiencing how good bad can be?

Craving bad? Now’s your chance to indulge.

Saint or Sinner by A.J. Norris
Access Denied by Amelia James
Off Limits by Bella J
Blacklisted by Cora Kenborn
Damaged by Genevieve Lynne
Wicked Proposals by Jamie Zakian
Paper Faces by Jennifer Loring
Ironside Sinners by Kelsey McKnight
Asking for Trouble by Kiersten Modglin
The Thief's Partner by Sarah Fischer
Brass Hearts by Savannah Blevins

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Limitless Publishing

Author Links

A.J. Norris

Amelia James

Bella J

Cora Kenborn

Genevieve Lynne

Jamie Zakian

Jennifer Loring

Kelsey McKnight

Kiersten Modglin

Sarah Fischer

Savannah Blevins

RELEASE DAY BLITZ, GIVEAWAY ~ Kicking Reality by Kat T. Masen

Title: Kicking Reality
Author: Kat T. Masen
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 28, 2017



Everyone thinks they know who I am. I’m that reality TV star that fell in love with co-star Wesley Rich. But reality wasn’t my life. It was the life I lived in front of the cameras.
A life designed to entertain millions of watchers each Monday night.

It only took one night to relive my past, and one night to forget my future. With someone who had been there all along.


Soccer is my life—it’s in my blood.
I train hard, I play hard, and I win.  Nothing will break my focus.

I should have been able to avoid it, resist the temptation. But it’s there, playing every Monday night, an obsession I can’t seem to shake.

And I don’t know what was harder: hiding it from my best friend, or watching the woman I want live a life with someone else.

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“You honestly believe all that rubbish? Falling in love? They knew from the start? C’mon. It’s impossible,” I ramble to myself as Logan quietly stands at the edge. “You can spend a whole lifetime knowing someone and still feel unsure if the love is there. Two minutes in a bar and that person is your soulmate? Ludicrous.”

Logan turns his neck, body following until we’re facing each other. His presence radiates with superiority, just like when we were kids. I wasn’t afraid back then and I am not afraid now. His tough-guy persona doesn’t frighten me one bit.

“Hypocritical coming from someone engaged to a man that swore he fell in love with you the moment he saw you?” he questions, sarcasm lacing every word that left his mouth.

The shock of his words cripples my ability to respond with a witty comeback. We weren’t having a good ol’ laugh throwing worms in the bottom of Ash’s school bag anymore. And my initial reaction to his cruel words does nothing to calm the sea of emotions ravaging inside me. Logan Carrington was one of them. They all came from the same seed. The seed of men that felt entitled. Screw women, move on, fuck feelings and repeat.

“Knock, knock . . . anyone home?”

“You’re a jerk,” I mutter.

Author Bio

Born and bred in Sydney, Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to four crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on Twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion to write began and the friendships continued on despite the distance.

“I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig and I’ll be laughing for days.”

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