Monday, August 31, 2015

RELEASE BOOST ~ Full Count by Cori Williams

Title: Full Count
Author: Cori Williams
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing
Re-Release Party Event Link:

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00071]


Dylan Turner wasn’t looking for love, all he needed was someone to warm his bed and be gone by morning. Baseball was what made his life worth living. The hunger to play, the need to live and breathe baseball—it was ingrained in his blood and veins, making his heart thump, beat for beat. It wasn’t until he met Paige that everything changed. She became part of the game, only it was a game he never wanted to end. Paige’s love for baseball was ingrained in her before she was even born. She never thought she would find love in the form of a baseball player though but that all changes when she meets her new schools first baseman. Was Paige really ready for this roller coaster ride? When the count is full, will what they have survive?




Cori Williams is a contemporary romance writer who resides in Michigan with her husband and three young children. Her love of reading from a very young age transferred over to a love of writing and now the stories are never ending. Her love of writing and romance combined make the perfect equivalent for creating the happily ever afters for her characters with sometimes bumpy journeys along the way. “Forever isn’t always easy.”
Twitter: @CAWilliams00

RE-RELEASE BLITZ ~ Crossing the Line by Samantha Long

~*~ RE-RELEASE ~*~
Title: Crossing the Line
Series: Kismet Series Book 1
Author: Samantha Long
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing
Re-Release Party Event Link:

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00021]


Victoria doesn't have time for love after a bitter divorce. She's too busy. Her twin daughters are approaching puberty and her interior design business is expanding. So when Nick enters her life, she has to remember why she's too busy for a little lust. Which is difficult considering he's the contractor hired to redo her office. Besides, his tattoos and MMA past make him a poor candidate for a woman who's trying to level out her life.
Nick thinks Victoria's hot but doesn't want to get involved with a woman who has kids, much less one that's been hurt by a man. Too much baggage. He's sworn off relationships, tending to stick with one-night stands. Victoria is a client, one he doesn't want to cross the line with, but the more he's near her, the quicker his resolve weakens.



A multitasking mom of four from Alabama, Samantha Long has been writing since the first grade. Samantha’s first story consisted of a one-paged fantasy biopic entitled, "If I Was An Indian". Samantha’s racy writing tastes were evident at a young age, with the plot consisting of a warrior husband, elite living quarters, and an affair with the Chief. When she’s not writing, doing laundry, or changing diapers, you can find Samantha in front of her DVR catching up on episodes of Supernatural and Castle or enjoying sweet tea with a movie or good book. Samantha’s writings are inspired by the works of Nora Roberts, Lauren Kate, Kresley Cole, and Gena Showalter, to name a few.

Twitter: @SamanthaMLong

COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY ~ Sentenced by L.L. Collins

Title: Sentenced
Author: L.L. Collins
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance
Cover Design: Marisa-Rose Shor with Cover Me, Darling
 Release Date: October/November 2015 (TBD)


THE BAD BOY: I’m Johnny. An ex-con with a bad attitude and a controlling demeanor that somehow made the women flock to my bed but never my heart. It was unavailable for possession.

THE TEMPTATION: She was just supposed to be a two day hookup. But one taste of her and I knew I was in danger of never getting enough. She has her own demons to contend with, and dealing with my own was hard enough. I won’t allow temptation to take control of me.

THE SENTENCE: I'd given myself a life sentence a long time ago, and she made me want things I wouldn't allow myself to have. Giving into it just might destroy us both.

Author Bio

L.L. Collins loves spending her days in the Florida sun with her husband and two boys, reading, and writing. LL has been writing since she was old enough to write. Always a story in her head, she finally decided to let the characters out made her lifelong dream of becoming an author come true in the self-publishing world. She's the author of the Living Again Series and the Twisted Series, plus a new standalone, Back to the Drawing Board. Visit LL on her website, and on all social media. Look for more of her emotionally charged novels soon!

Author Links



RELEASE DAY BLITZ & GIVEAWAY ~ August by Audrey Carlan

Title: August
Series: Calendar Girl #8
Author: Audrey Carlan
Publisher: Waterhouse Press
 Release Date: August 31, 2015


Pretending. I’ve always been good at pretending.

Being someone else is easy, and that ability has served me well these last seven months.

This time, I’ve been hired to be the long lost sister of oil tycoon, and down to earth cowboy, Maxwell Cunningham. Recently, Maxwell’s father passed away and in his last Will and Testament he dropped a bomb no one saw coming.

One of the richest men in the world, left forty-nine percent of his company to a sister my client never knew he had. A woman named Mia Saunders.

Maxwell has a year to find this sister or he loses almost half of his empire to a greedy board of investors. Somehow, he found me and here I am.

Sharing in family dinners, pretending to be someone I’m not and fooling bigwigs left and right. Only I’m finding myself falling in love with a family I can never have. One that will hurt to leave.

Stetsons, soul-searching, and sisterly duty all come into a sharp tangle with twists and turns I never saw coming.

In the eighth book of the Calendar Girl serial, Mia is sent to Dallas, Texas. Still on her mission to save her father, she is hired to be the long lost sister of Maxwell Cunningham, one of the newly richest men in America.

Each installment in the Calendar Girl Serial will release every month throughout 2015. The stories will feature Mia’s journey as an escort to twelve clients in twelve different locations.

Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language and graphic sexual content.

Links to Buy


Also Available








Author Bio

Audrey Carlan is an Amazon Best Selling Author who writes erotic contemporary romances, such as the wildly popular "Falling Series." She lives in the sunny California Valley two hours away from the city, the beach, the mountains and the precious…the vineyards. She has been married to the love of her life for over 10 years and has two young children that live up to their title of “Monster Madness” on daily basis. When she’s not writing, sipping wine with her “soul sisters”, or doing yoga, she can be found with her nose stuck in book or her Kindle. A hot, smutty, romantic book to be exact!

Author Links


NEW RELEASE ~ You're It (A Tag Novella) by Shari J. Ryan

Our little family has been together for four years, and life has been good, considering my track record. But In the blink of an eye, my ease was suddenly gone when I heard his terrifying words. I knew from the look on Tango’s face and the way he avoided my gaze—all hell was about to break loose. Now it seems like the dangers I spent years desperately avoiding are starting to threaten my happily ever after.

Maybe it’s because I let my guard down. Or maybe it’s because I was starting to trust again. But I can’t even trust the people closest to me, and now I remember why.

Screw with me, that’s one thing. Screw with my family, and we’ve got a problem…

Shari J. Ryan is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author, a Barnes & Noble Top 10 Bestselling author, and an iBookstore #1 Bestselling author. She hails from Central Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two lively little boys. Shari has always had an active imagination and enjoys losing herself in the fictional worlds she creates.

When Shari isn’t writing, she can usually be found cleaning toys up off the floor.

To learn more, visit her at,


Title: Degrade
Series: Flawed
Author: T.L. Smith
 Release Date: August 31, 2015



One rule, only one rule women need to follow when they're with me.

Don’t ask for more.

This rule is in place for a reason, you won't get more of what’s not there to give.


He is striking, and he's all man. He is also the devil, or so I believe him to be. I gave him my heart, not realizing I was doing so. He likes to break me down, so I'm a shell of the person I once was. He's chipping away at me, bit by bit. Though I’m not as weak as he thinks, and when I can’t handle it anymore, I will come back swinging.

Purchase Links



I’m an idiot, I know this. I just can’t help myself. When it comes to him, I do as he says, do as he pleases. Even if it’s against everything, I believe in. He has a hold on me, which no other person has ever held. I don’t believe he loves me, but I love him. So that has to count for something? Right? My love is big enough. I believe it can hold onto both of us and wrap us up in a vice grip. See, I did tell you, I’m an idiot.

Author Links




Release Blitz
Title: HIDE The Black Letters Series : Part One
Author: Brooke Page
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: August 31, 2015
Hosted by Just One More Page

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00074]


 Grand Rapids was my saving grace. My new job and my best friend kept me grounded, and far away from my past. This was my new life. And I was safe. But then I was transferred to Miami where I began working with Mitch Conklin, the site manager. He was sexy as sin, and irritating as hell. He drove me crazy, but I couldn’t deny the chemistry. He was begging for me to take his bait, and I wanted to… Until he found me. My heart raced… My palms began to sweat… And the air was stolen from my lungs. This was my life. And no one was safe 

  Goodread link: 

  Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00074]



Sexy young couple kissing and playing in bed.


Sexy young couple kissing and playing in bed.  

  Sexy young couple kissing and playing in bed.


 I had been sitting in this diner for three hours, my gaze fixated on the apartment building across the street. “Do you need anything else, sugar?” the plump older woman asked as she held a coffee pot in one hand and a cloth in the other. “No, thank you,” I rasped without meeting her eyes. It was 12 am, and my heart raced faster with each passing moment. I was waiting for the girl who’d stolen my heart. When she’d left earlier, her caramel hair was curled, floating over her perfect breasts; breasts that should have been covered up, but instead were on full display under her black halter top. Anger fueled me as I pictured her leaving her apartment. She had looked confident and sexy, her head held high as though she were about to take over the world. Thankfully, her midriff wasn’t showing tonight, but her skirt was too short, revealing her toned thighs; thighs that needed to be wrapped around my waist, the sky-high black heels digging into my back. I shifted in my seat, my arousal trying to overpower my anger. That was always my problem. I mixed the two together in a dangerous way. It was why she no longer wanted me. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my phone from my hoodie pocket. The agony of not knowing where she was tortured me. I needed to distract myself until she came home. I pulled up the most recent background check on her, divulging nothing new since she’d moved out of her apartment a month ago into a new one. I should have followed her tonight, but I knew my emotions would overtake me, blowing my cover. I wasn’t ready to swoon her back into my life, not yet. I still had a few things to take care of; a few thing to make disappear. She’d want me if I could provide for her. She’d want me again if she knew I got help. She’d want me again once all those other assholes were out of her system. I knew this was true because she never stayed with them, and if it seemed like they were starting to stick, I reminded her I was still here by sending her my love notes. I pulled my hood down farther over my head, trying to count to ten before I’d explode. Then I saw her through the glass of the diner, smiling and giggling with her roommate. My heart fluttered at the sight of her happiness. I used to make her happy. I could still make her happy. Only a few more things needed to be done. But then all those warm feelings turned to stone as I watched the two douche bags walking behind Jamie and her roommate. The smiles on their faces were ones I knew well. Their shirts were too tight, stretching over their muscles They were about to get some—at least they thought they were.. I glanced down at my arms; I could stand to up my weight on the bench press again. “Sure you don’t need anything else?” the waitress asked again. Now she was hovering, which only irritated me more. My breathing increased as the meatheads followed them inside. “Can I get another coffee, please? And a grilled cheese with bacon,” I demanded, squeezing packets of sugar in between my palms.       ***   A few more hours had gone by, and controlling my sanity was getting harder and harder. What was she doing with those men inside her apartment? Was she with one while her roommate with the other? Maybe they were just playing cards, watching a movie? Yeah, watching a movie. The last time I’d watched a movie with Jamie our pants were around our ankles. Just as I was about to storm out of the diner, activity started to move in front of her apartment building. It was Jamie, disheveled and wearing a tank top and little shorts; her ass would hang out if she bent over far enough. And that meathead was there, behind her, a smug grin plastered on his face. I wanted to rip his jaw in half. Standing from my seat, I paced the diner, my eyes glued to the interactions I feared they’d begin to share. Then it happened. She stepped toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands moved around her waist, reaching for her butt. I saw red when he grabbed it as though it were his, and that little slut let him. In fact, by the way she pressed into him, moving to kiss his lips, I’d say she enjoyed it. I gripped my hair, willing myself not to do what my head was telling me, but there was no use. Watching them say goodbye tore me apart, fueling my rage for what I was about to do. She gently pushed him away, the one good thing she’d done since that meathead was in her presence. She closed the door with a satisfied grin on her face while that fucker practically skipped down the steps. He wouldn’t be skipping for long. Follow him. Make him pay. Make him realize he can never fucking touch her again.  




 Brooke Page is an independent author, wife, mother of two, and romance novel junkie. She lives in Grand Rapids MI, where her Conklin’s Trilogy is based. When she is not busy tending to her family you can find her writing on her laptop at the local coffee shop or reading one of her many favorite books. She loves to connect with her readers and discover new authors.

  Other Books By Brooke: 

  conklin's trilogy 

  Conklin's Trilogy Links: 
Barnes & Noble: 
